17-Mile Drive
Pacific Grove Routenplaner
Der Grüne Reiseführer

Hilfreiche Informationen


This gorgeous private scenic road crosses one of the wealthiest and most famous residential districts of the West Coast of the United States. 17-Mile Drive connects Pacific Grove to Carmel, winding through the heart of a cypress forest. Here and there, the vista opens up to take in the Pacific and its golden rocks. Recommended stops include: Seal Rock, with a picnic area and eared seal observation point; Cypress Point and Lone Cypress, for the viewpoints over the coast of Monterey.


  • Startort der Route
  • Zielort der Route
  • Zwischenziel der Route
  • Hotels in der Nähe
  • Restaurants in der Nähe

Sehenswürdigkeitenund Attraktionen in der Nähe

Unterkünftein der Nähe

Restaurantsin der Nähe

Der Grüne Reiseführer

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