Mount Wellington
Der Grüne Reiseführer

Hilfreiche Informationen


The imposing outline of Mt Wellington watches over Hobart from a height of 1 271m. "The Mountain", as Tasmanians call it, is often shrouded in a thick mist that checks the ambitions of the most motivated walkers. But if the weather allows, head for the summit to drink in 360° views of the mountains and sea. On a clear day, you will be able to make out Freycinet National Park and the western mountains. There is an observation shelter you can make use of if it's windy.


  • Startort der Route
  • Zielort der Route
  • Zwischenziel der Route
  • Hotels in der Nähe
  • Restaurants in der Nähe


Sehenswürdigkeitenund Attraktionen in der Nähe

Unterkünftein der Nähe

Der Grüne Reiseführer

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