Martha's Vineyard
Der Grüne Reiseführer

Hilfreiche Informationen


Martha's Vineyard, the largest island in New England, illustrates the quintessence of unspoiled Cape Cod landscapes: pine and oak forests, colored buffs, vast sandy and pebble beaches, seaside resorts and fishing harbors. In the summer, it acquires a sort of idyllic island atmosphere as the East Coast's wealthy urbanites flee stifling New York. Its permanent inhabitants prefer it in fall, when the Indian Summer foliage turns a riot of color.


  • Startort der Route
  • Zielort der Route
  • Zwischenziel der Route
  • Hotels in der Nähe
  • Restaurants in der Nähe


Sehenswürdigkeitenund Attraktionen in der Nähe

Unterkünftein der Nähe

Der Grüne Reiseführer

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