2226 Polk St., San Francisco 94109 Routenplaner
  • Ein MICHELIN Stern: eine Küche voller Finesse – einen Stopp wert! Produkte von ausgesuchter Qualität, unverkennbare Finesse auf dem Teller, auf den Punkt gebrachter Geschmack, ein konstant hohes Niveau bei der Zubereitung.


  • Koreanisch
  • Modern
  • Klimaanlage
  • Für Körperbehinderte leicht zugängliche Räume
  • Amex
  • Mastercard
  • Visa

Hilfreiche Informationen


Hyunyoung and Junsoo Bae have ample fine dining experience but were inspired to strike out on their own to fill what they saw as a void in San Francisco's Korean restaurant scene. The result is this tasting menu that draws upon familiar flavors, but sets itself apart with a sense of refined simplicity.
Meticulously prepared seafood shows a dedication to craft, as in black cod partially dried before being grilled to achieve a skin so crunchy it can be heard from across the room. Beef short ribs are something of a signature, gently cooked sous vide, then seared to form a sweet-savory crust. Desserts end the meal with a feather-light touch, like a sorbet of magnolia berry over green plum granita, garnished with a black sesame tuile.


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