Avenida Perú 1156, M5500 Mendoza Routenplaner


  • Modern
  • Klimaanlage
  • Speiseterrasse
  • Amex
  • Mastercard
  • Visa

Hilfreiche Informationen


The core principle behind this restaurant is a love for its region and its products and ingredients. Occupying an attractively fronted old mansion that was once a small hotel, this converted property now features a cocktail bar, a space transformed into a wine cellar, and several contemporary-style dining rooms occupying the former guestrooms (part of the kitchen is visible from one of these). The modern cooking here is showcased in well-constructed dishes that are featured on two menus (4 or 6 courses, including wine pairings) which champion sustainable and organic ingredients and products (including many native varieties) from the Mendoza region, with a strong commitment to provenance and to small-scale producers. The somewhat surprising names of the dishes here (the Queen of Fantasy, Autumn Foam, Bloom, Enchantment etc) are an invitation to head off on a gastronomic flight of fancy!


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  • Restaurants in der Nähe

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